Tokens for Publisher Tracking:
returns a number for each individual publisher
returns a subpartner string (if available)
returns the publishers site ID (if available)
returns the publishers site name as a string (if available)
Tokens for Campaign Tracking:
returns ID of campaign
returns ID of adgroup
returns copyname
returns your clickprice as set in EUR (relevant for Native CPC Campaigns only)
Tokens for Ad Tracking Software:
returns a unique click ID
Show more tokens
sends whole click through URL
encoded version of above, normally used by jsAds and multi stage click handlers, normally in tags
providing banner width (works only for HTML-Tags and corresponding Click-URLs)
providing banner height (works only for HTML-Tags and corresponding Click-URLs)
if click is chargeable or not; will return a 1 for chargeable and a 0 for unchargeable
used for cache busting (64 bit random number returned)
Example URL with fictitious parameters Transfer the source (Solads Media Publisher ID) and copyname into your tracking tool.$$src$$©=$$copyname$$
Important: he parameters (src or copy) are only examples here and must be replaced with your own parameters.
Example URL for Google Analytics Transfer the source (Solads Media Publisher ID) and copyname to Google Analytics tracking..$$src$$&utm_content=$$copyname$$
Here's a Google URL building tool for Google Analytics campaigns: >
Example URL for Piwik Open Analytics Transfer the source (Solads Media Publisher ID) and copyname to Piwik Tracking.$$src$$&pk_content=$$copyname$$
Here's a Piwik url creation tool for your campaigns: >
Exclude traffic sources You can determine which of our our publishers and sub-publishers send traffic to your site, by including the $$src$$ and $$subid$$ parameter into your URL click. You can then evaluate these values in your own statistics. Sources can be disabled on account or campaign level in the user interface. You find this option under 'Campaign Settings or 'Account Settings ' » 'Source Inclusion/Exclusion '. Simply enter the publisher and/or subpublisher codes to block individual sources.