Advertising Guidelines

These policies apply to ad content, intermediate pages, and final landing pages. Approval or rejection of campaigns is at the sole discretion of SolAds Media and its publishers. Active campaigns are constantly reviewed by our team and can be stopped at any time without notice.

A. General Rules

These policies apply to ad content, intermediate pages, and final landing pages.

1Advertisers are always responsible for ensuring that they comply not only with SolAds Media's advertising policies but also with applicable laws and regulations in all locations where their ads are served.
2Campaigns for the promotion of pornographic websites are not permitted.
3The advertising of websites that offer prescription drugs without a prescription is not permitted.
4It is prohibited to advertise websites that distribute malware or other harmful or unwanted software
5Prelander with simple age confirmation (18 years => yes/no) are not sufficient to link to websites with prohibited content in subsequent steps. Advertisers must set up serious and functioning barriers to protect minors from unsuitable content.
6Advertising for/with minors is prohibited. The lower limit for age specifications in texts is 21 years.
7Ads that make mobile devices vibrate without user interaction are not allowed.
8Ad texts may not use content that violates copyright or trademark law. This applies, among other things, but not exclusively, to the use of third-party brand names or domains. The use of modified versions of the same is also prohibited, as is the replacement of individual characters with placeholders.
9No pictures of celebrities or famous personalities may be used unless express permission has been given.

B. Rules by Product Vertical

These policies apply to ad content, intermediate pages, and final landing pages.

CASUAL DATING (Straight, Gay, Trans, Kink)
ADULT (Cams, Tube, OF, etc.)
Traffic available?✅ Straight in all markets
✅ Gay only in D-A-CH
✅ Trans > available soon
✅ Kink > available soon
✅ RO, DE, AT, CH✅ all markets✅ all markets
Correct channel to promote your site?🔹 Casual Dating
🔹 Gay Dating
🔹Mainstream Dating🔹 Casual Dating
🔹 Gay Dating
🔹 Mainstream Dating
🔹 Casual Dating
🔹 Gay Dating
1Nude pictures⚠️ Nudity is ok, but you may not show primary sexual organs (vagina, penis, testicles, anus), even suggestively or in parts.⚠️ Beachwear only, bikini style⚠️ Follow rules of corresponding vertical⚠️ Follow rules of Casual Dating vertical
🛑 No hardcore ads or landers
2Pornographic pictures⚠️ Pornographic images are not allowed. These are all depictions of sexual intercourse or sexual acts of any kind as well as very provocative posing.🛑 Not allowed🛑 Not allowed⚠️ Follow rules of Casual Dating vertical
🛑 No hardcore ads or landers
3Addresses or telephone numbers✅ Allowed on Banners
🛑 Not allowed on Native Ads
🛑 Not allowed✅ Allowed⚠️ Follow rules of Casual Dating vertical
4Pornographic wording⚠️ Pornographic formulations in advertisement texts are not permitted. Explicit words may be used with placeholders/asterisks -> see tips in table below 👇🛑 Not allowed⚠️ Follow rules of corresponding vertical⚠️ Follow rules of Casual Dating vertical

If you want to promote products from other verticals please get in touch with the support team.

C. Forbidden Phrases

These policies apply to ad content only.

DE, AT, CHficken, mutter, singlemutter, milf, tabulos, transe, nutte
(including similar words and misspellings)
fi**en, f**k, m*lf, zwanglos
All English-speaking marketsfuck, fucking, mother, single mother, bitch
(including similar words and misspellings)
f**k, f**cking
ROcurva, curva, curve, ejaculez, fut, fute, pizda, pula, sex, olxAlternative words for sex => Întalnire, Partidǎ

D. Complying with Better Ads Standards

These policies apply to ad content only.

1Slightly animated banner ads are permitted, but animated images in Native Ads are not.
2Ads that are obviously intended to confuse or deceive the user will not be accepted.
3It is not permitted to advertise products or services as free if users have to pay for them. Terms such as 'sex for free' are therefore not permitted!
4The use of CAPITALIZATION and emoticons 😘 is permitted, but should be kept to a minimum.
5We do not accept ads that are confusing for the user or tempt them to interact with the ad without actually being able to do so.

This is the case for ads and elements to which the following applies:
  • Ads that automatically redirect the user to another page without the user having interacted with the ad.
  • Ads that resemble system, website, antivirus or error messages or warnings
  • Ads that simulate messages, dialog boxes or request notifications.
  • Displays that show functions that cannot be executed.
  • Ads with close buttons, but which do not close the element. If the user clicks on it, an unintended action is carried out.

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