For server-side integrations where structural manipulation (layout, aggregation with other feeds, etc) is required, XML or JSON endpoints are available.
For AJAX type requests JSON is generally recommended where server-side proxy requests are possible. Note that a client-side SCRIPT request fits most of the common AJAX use cases and is much simpler to implement.
If you make a server-side implementation it's required to send a impression callback once a placement becomes visible to the user. Otherwise your traffic will not be recorded properly.
Data formats | Response | Endpoint | Encoding |
XML | XML Document | | UTF-8 |
JSON | JSON formatted data object | | UTF-8 |[[PUBLISHERID]]&ch=[[CHANNELID]]
<adverts results="13">
<advert id="0" clickprice="" ecpmi="">
Header | Data Type | Required? | Description |
User-Agent | String | Yes1 | The User-Agent of the browser. In general, client-side implementations (JSON, JSONP, HTML, SCRIPT) do this automatically, server-side implementations must set this header in the request to SolAds Media accordingly. |
Referer | String | Yes1 | The URL of the page that will receive the adverts from the request. In general, client-side implementations (JSON, JSONP, HTML, SCRIPT) do this automatically, server-side implementations must set this header in the request to SolAds Media accordingly. |
1 In the unlikely event of your chosen programming language or environment not allow you to set request headers, these can be supplied using the "ua=" and "ref=" parameters. The data must be URL encoded if sent in this manner. Please try and use headers if at all possible because the use of parameters causes unnecessary logging and may impact performance as a result.
Parameter | Data Type | Required? | Description |
a | Integer (6) | Yes | Your publisher id |
ai | Bit | Yes | Activate Actual Impressions and receive an impression callback url to notify our adserver when advert was visually served to the user |
b | Bit | No | Use backfill results if required (default = 1). "Backfill" results are 3rd party results which help to fill advert requests. |
bfcpm | Float | No | Minimum Bid for Banners. Only relevant for display ads. Usage: #.## |
ch | Integer | Yes | Channelnumber |
cpw | Integer | No | Copy width for banner ads |
cph | Integer | No | Copy height for banner ads |
ct | Boolean | 0 | Declare if you have user consent to enable processing of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as per Regional Data Regulation Laws. Values are 1 for consent or 0 for no consent. Default value if empty or not defined is 0 (no consent). |
i | Bit | No | Use images if available (default = 0) |
ih | Integer | No | Logo image height for native text ads |
iw | Integer | No | Logo image width for native text ads |
ip | IP Address | Yes | End user IP address |
lang | String | Yes | End User Browser Language |
mt | String | No1 | Media Type - banner, standardtexts |
n | Integer | Yes | Number of results requested (1-15) |
p | Enum | No | Return prices. See below. |
ref | URL | No | Pass the URL that is sending the ad request (supports decoded and encoded URL strings). Use this parameter if you cannot send your site referrer with the request header. This tracks your traffic against the site table of your publisher account so that advertisers are able to target specific pages of your site. If ref= and the referrer header are both sent, ref= will override. |
s | String | No | SubID-String |
sl | Bit | No | Set sl=1 to get secure links (HTTPS) (Default=0) |
sys | String | Yes | sys=Solads, internal Systemname |
t | URL | No | Tracking URL |
1 Depending upon the system's configuration, specific types of adverts can be requested by supplying the media type parameter. If this parameter is not supplied, the advert server is free to choose any media type that is valid for the other parameters in the request.
Value | Description |
Value | Description |
Empty or 0 | Do not return price (Default) |
EUR | Return prices in Euros (estimated if not feed default) |
USD | Return prices in US Dollars (estimated if not feed default) |
GBP | Return prices in Sterling (estimated if not feed default) |
N.B. All prices are in cents/pennies NOT Pounds/Euros/Dollars e.g. 1.52 is ONE POINT FIVE-TWO CENTS, NOT ONE DOLLAR FIFTY-TWO!
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory? | Details |
c | URI | No | URI of your CSS file |
Parameter | Data Type | Mandatory? | Details |
f | Bit | No | Filter for adult content (default = 0) |
q | String | Yes2, if ch not defined | Keyword |
z | String | No | Zone Name |