All adcode parameters

Creating your individual Javascript advert tag is a pretty easy task. You will receive a link after your publisher account has been set up that shows advert code for all ad sizes we support. Our system will return adverts in an asynchronous (non-blocking) mode, meaning your website loading will not be affected. Adverts will be injected as soon as a response from our adserver is received. That usually happens pretty quick.

The following options are available to customize your tag:

Parameter Function Details
m3ads_partnernumber Your Publisher ID Enter your publisher id here so activity can be tracked against your account.
m3ads_sectors Submit Channel ID Enter a channel id here. Please use a separate tag for each individual channel. Note that channel ids for "Native Ads" and "Banners" are different.
m3ads_numberadverts Define max number of adverts
m3ads_subpartner Submit Sub-Partner String this can be an individual string, eg for a subpartner, a subsite or a specific section of your site
m3ads_publishertracking 3rd Party Click Tracking (recommended) Optional, for custom click tracking. The click through URL, IP address and chargeability flag are sent as POST data to the 3rd party tracking service. For correct tracking in Google DFP please use the DFP click macro %%CLICK_URL_UNESC%%.
m3ads_3rdpartyclickurl 3rd Party Click Tracking with Click Forwarding (deprecated) Optional, for custom click tracking. Usually requires own parameter (e.g., tracking =) for the campaign click url, which is appended to the adserver URL. The click is sent to the 3rd party adserver, which then does its processing and forwards on to the advertiser landing page. This mechanism is vulnerable to mistakes in the chain of clicks and the availability of the tracking server. Failures result in the browser not arriving at the advertiser's website and clicks not being registered. We recommend to use m3ads_publishertracking.
m3ads_referrer Track page URL against site table The parameter can be used to record traffic from a particular site against your site table if it is not possible to pass the referrer via the request header. Please note that data is only recorded if a suitable entry has been created in the site table beforehand. The value of this parameter does not replace the real referrer sent to the system.
m3ads_consent Pass user consent Declare if you have user consent to enable processing of Personally Identifiable Information (PII) as per Regional Data Regulation Laws. Values are 1 for consent or 0 for no consent. Default value if empty or not defined is 0 (no consent).

Only relevant for display adverts

Parameter Function Details
m3ads_imagewidth Banner width in Pixel
m3ads_imageheight Banner height in Pixel
m3ads_bidfloor_cpm Minimum Bid for Banners Required Minimum Bid in EUR cents, e.g. 0.35

Only relevant for text adverts

Parameter Function Details
m3ads_includeimages Turn images on/off 1 = on. 0 = off
m3ads_logoimagewidth Image width in pixel
m3ads_logoimageheight Image height in pixel
m3ads_cssurl Path to css file Define path to your own css file if you want to apply your invidual styling
m3ads_containerclass Class of Advert Container Class of Advert Container as defined in your CSS

Only relevant for Interstitials (requires additional script)

Parameter Function Details
m3ads_autohide Time in seconds until interstitial layer is closed automatically 0 to disable autohide
m3ads_lifetime Time in minutes before the layer is shown again to the same user Any number or "session" to show interstitial once per browser session.


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